#AT1018. B - Painting Balls with AtCoDeer

B - Painting Balls with AtCoDeer


B - Painting Balls with AtCoDeer

Score : $200$ points

Problem Statement

There are $N$ balls placed in a row. AtCoDeer the deer is painting each of these in one of the $K$ colors of his paint cans. For aesthetic reasons, any two adjacent balls must be painted in different colors.

Find the number of the possible ways to paint the balls.


  • $1≦N≦1000$
  • $2≦K≦1000$
  • The correct answer is at most $2^{31}-1$.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the number of the possible ways to paint the balls.

2 2

We will denote the colors by $0$ and $1$. There are two possible ways: we can either paint the left ball in color $0$ and the right ball in color $1$, or paint the left in color $1$ and the right in color $0$.

1 10

Since there is only one ball, we can use any of the ten colors to paint it. Thus, the answer is ten.